About one:one
One-to-One is a research project about 3D printing at larger scales. There are many projects that deal with DIY 3D printing in general but most only deal with small scale objects. This project intends to move beyond the typical sizes and material to allow large, full scale, usable objects to be created. Large printing is not new but it is rare and expensive. This project intends to bring the same type of easy to build, easy to use printers that are emerging but to the next level in size and speed. A few areas of the current technology will be addressed in order to make printing at larger scale more feasible.
The Machine:
When dealing with larger objects size is important. The initial prototype will have a print bed of around 56” x 32” x 42” (L x W x H) but that is only to start with. The goal for the printer in the long term is to be able to get up to scales of 48” x 96” and beyond.
Fast build times are critical in order to make the technology a viable alternative to other manufacturing methods. A significant amount of time will be devoted to significantly speeding up build times by using new methods and technologies.
Precision becomes an important factor at large scale. Current 3D printing targets small scale high precision such as in the medical or jewelry industries. Is that kind of micro scale detail needed? This project will look at the appropriate precision for larger scale objects.
The Material:
The system will utilize a zero VOC resin. This type of system will allow flexibility in what can be achieved to transform the standard resins into something more suitable for everyday use. There are a few important aspects that will be critical with the formulation of the material.
The first is trying to make the material more eco-friendly. There are alternatives to traditional UV resin that are bio based. Also the resin can be easily recycled and turned into new things when you are done.
This is an item that most projects do not address. If you are making object for use such as wall systems, furniture, ceilings, doors, exterior cladding and many other contraction related items then the material has to be fire resistant and code complaint. Resin is also easy to work with when using additives to allow the material to pass all required tests.
The material will have to be strong and usable. By using fiber additives and other methods the structural properties can be adjusted to meet the needs that a usable object would require.
The Software:
We will be creating custom programing and software to run every aspect of the process. Everything from model prep, slice generation, and machine controls will be designed specifically for the needs of large scale printing.