Student Resources: Fabrication Lab
Architecture is shifting from the development of drawing sets that specify the assembly of a kit of parts to computational and fabrication methods that have been used successfully in the automotive and aerospace fields for decades. Architects can now design, simulate, fabricate, and evaluate custom components and products that fit the precise needs of the built environment rather than relying on the compromise of a pre-existing solution.
The Arch Tech Fabrication Labs prepare students to be the future leaders of our dynamic field by training them in advanced computational methods geared toward the production of architectural prototypes using various digital fabrication strategies including laser cutting, 3D printing, CNC machining, and 3D scanning and digitizing.

Universal X660 Laser Cutter:
18”x32” bed laser cutters with 60W lasers for the cutting and etching of a variety of non-flammable materials
Universal ILS 12-150 Laser Cutter:
24”x48” bed laser cutters with 60W lasers for the cutting and etching of a variety of non-flammable materials
Mimaki CF2-1215 Paper Cutter
35.7”x47.2” cutting plotter capable of cutting various kinds of media with high accuracy without dies with the use of a variety of knives
Ultimaker S5
15" x 9" x 11" uses PLA & PVA Filament
Ultimaker 3
8.8" x 8.8" x 12" uses PLA & PVA Filament
Ultimaker 2+
8.8" x 8.8" x 8.1" uses PLA & PVA Filament
ZPrinter 650 Powder Fill Color 3D Printer System:
Full-color 3D printing for the generation of 3D models in starch
Stratasys PolyJet Objet30 3D Printer
High-end prototypes, realistic models with specialized properties in resin
Formech 1372 SA VacuumFormer
A powerful combination of large forming area and wide forming capabilities including heating, cooling, and vacuum reservoir mark
Microscribe G2X Digitizer
Collects point-by-point measurements of a model with an accuracy as fine as 0.009in. in an area of 19.6" x 15.7"
Faro Edge Arm Digitizer
Preeminent portable coordinate measuring machine (PCMM) that allows easy verification of product quality by performing 3D inspections, tool certifications, CAD comparison, and dimensional analysis.
Carvey 3D Carver
Desktop carving machine fully enclosed with a work area of 11.6" x 8" x 2.75" operating spindle 12000RPM up to 1/4" bit
Roland MDX-540 3-Axis Mill
An operating speed of up to 295in/min for cutting a variety of materials with a maximum volume of 19.6" x 15.7" x 6.1"
Roland ZCL-540 Rotary Axis Unit
Allow you to create multi-sided objects automatically without the need for manually flipping the part over, max envelope (4x4x11.25")
The IRB 140 is a compact and powerful multipurpose industrial robot with 6 axes.
The IRC5 is a compact and powerful multipurpose industrial robot with 6 axes
Enviromental sensors
Monitors and control optimal conditions in designated spaces
Occupancy sensors
Data Loggers
Moisture Meter
Infrared Camera
Arduino Board + Raspberry PIs
An open-source computing platform for developing interactive devices that are able to sense the environment using sensors